5 Cool Hairstyles for Men

There are so many men's hairstyles to choose from, but sometimes you maybe want a different hairstyle than what most other men wear. A cool hairstyle for men is in that case a perfect idea to separate you from the rest with more casual hairstyles.
Cool men's hairstyles are usually more extreme versions of regular hairstyles for men. To make it extra cool, you can keep the sides and back pretty short compared to the hair on top. That is also called an undercut and a popular option to make a hairstyle a bit more edgy.
When you shave (part of) the sides or back, then it is called a fade and that will definitely make a hairstyle for men cooler and edgier. In this blog post I will give you a few examples of very cool hairstyles for men that you can choose when you are ready for some more attention or when you just want to change it up.
1. Slick back with skin fade
A first example of a cool hairstyle for men is the hairstyle that Brad Pitt has in Fury. Slicking your hair on top back is already quite the bad boy look, but when you also shave the sides almost completely, then this men's hairstyle becomes very cool.
Around your ears the fade is shortest and when you go up, it becomes a little bit longer. We talk about a skin fade, so it will only be a few millimeters longer. That makes this hairstyle for men very cool and edgy.
Suitable products to use for this cool hairstyle are usually pomades, because they are perfect to slick your hair back. You can use a water-based pomade or an oil-based pomade. It depends on what properties you think are more important: flexibility or washability.
Selection of new pomades:
2. Faux hawk with line on side
The faux hawk has been mentioned before on this Moquer blog, but when you want to make it extra cool, then you should keep the sides and back short and get one or more lines on the side. A faux hawk is a great hairstyle when you like to style your hair more to the front.
A haircut with lines is very edgy and cool. It is not for everyone, because you will definitely get some extra attention. Also, with this cool hairstyle for men it starts short at the ears and then you create a fade with the hair that is touching the hairline. At the sides where the hair is slightly longer, there you can shave one or a few lines to create that extra dimensions.
This is basically one of the coolest versions of the faux hawk hairstyle for men. When it comes to products, you have a lot to choose from. For your best options, I would recommend a matte clay, wax or paste with a medium to high hold.
Selection of new clays:
3. Modern mullet
Nowadays it is a very cool hairstyle for men, but for a long time the mullet was completely out of style. A mullet was also associated with more unreliable men. Now the modern mullet is starting to make a comb back and that is why it is a very cool men's hairstyle if you have the guts to wear it properly.
There are many versions possible with this cool hairstyle for men, but you will need to keep the hair longer on the back of course, but it should not be too long. The best length you can see on the picture above.
You can combine a mullet with many different looks. You can keep the sides shorter or keep them long as well. On top you can go for a longer look or keep it short or medium length. But whatever you are choosing, the modern mullet is one of the coolest hairstyles for men to choose at this instance. When you would grow a mustache, it would complete the look for sure.
There are many products to choose from to pull this hairstyle off, but a bit of shine is recommended. Choose a pomade, cream or wax with a medium to high shine to get the coolest modern mullet look for men.
Selection of new waxes with shine:
4. Long and messy hair
Even though long hair for men is trendy off and one, it has always been a very cool hairstyle for men. People think you are usually a bit different and eccentric when you are wearing your hair long as a man.
Also, now long hair is a cool choice for men. Especially when you do not mind wearing it a bit more messy, because that is trendy and cool nowadays. This longer hairstyle will take some time of course and there will be phases where you do not know what to do with your longer hair.
Products for longer and slightly messy hair are usually creams, sprays or mousses. The hold is of lesser importance, but you do want your longer mane looking smooth and healthy. A dry head of hair is not healthy and definitely not cool.
Selection of new creams:
5. Side-part with hard-part
A final cool hairstyle for men I would like to show is the side-part with a hard-part. A hard-part means that a line has been shaved on the side to divide the hair on top and the hair on that one side. It is a very classic hairstyle for men, but with a hard part it becomes way more cool and edgy.
A hard-part is also pretty popular with Football players in Europe. You usually see that with this cool hairstyle for men the sides and back are shorter. A fade goes really well with a side-part. Where the hair one the sides starts touching the hair on top is the best sport to create the hard-part.
This is a very cool hairstyle for men that you see relatively frequent, but it is good to remember that a hard-part is not always the best choice for your hairline. So, think carefully if you want this kind of hairstyle.
In this case it is again smart to style your cool hairstyle for men with a pomade. This is a tight and neat hairstyle usually, so a pomade is recommended. Some shine looks great and a pomade makes it easier to style the hair on top one way and the hair on that one side, the other way.
Selection of new pomades:
Conclusion cool hairstyle for men
A cool men's hairstyle is not for everyone, because it will draw more attention and you have to want that. But most men that get themselves one of the looks in this blog post will like that kind of attention. A cool hairstyle for men is a perfect way to distinguish yourself from other men.
When you notice that people or women do not have a lot of attention for you, then you can contemplate getting a cooler hairstyle. Especially when people do not expect it from you, it can be a great choice to acquire some deserved attention.