Best men skincare step routine for beautiful skin

We all know that it is important to take good care of our skin. Most men will also know what kind of skincare products are out there, like a face wash, scrub, moisturizer etc, but which products is used when? What is the correct skincare routine order?
A proper men’s skincare step routine is important to achieve the best result. A wrong routine can lead to skin problems or just a less effective skincare regiment. I will first talk about the face care routine and then a more brief section about the body care routine considering it follows the same order.
I will not talk elaborately about the skincare products itself considering we have plenty of blog articles on this website that talks about them in detail, so just click the orange words when you want to know more about them.
Skincare step routine for your face
First of all, it is important to know what your skin type is because you will have to get the correct products for your skin. That is a very important first step before you have to start thinking about the correct skincare order. Once you figured that out you can use the products as in the steps below.
Step 1 Face wash (daily: morning and night)
This one you might already expect to be the first step of a men’s skincare routine. It is important to start with a clean face before applying any other skincare products. That way no dirt will stay behind and interfere with products diminishing their effectiveness.
You should use a face wash at least once per day but preferably also before going to bed. That way your pillow stays clean and then bacteria have less chance causing any blemishes or even acne.
You migth not need all products mentioned in this blog post but a face wash is a must-have and cannot be skipped.
Step 2: Face scrub (weekly: morning)
A face scrub is a deeper cleansing for your skin. It is the second step in a proper skincare routine for men because a scrub works better on cleansed skin. The exfoliating ingredients are more effective that way. It will help to keep your pores unclogged so that you do not get any inflammations that can cause skin issues.
In a good skincare step routine, you apply a face scrub between two to three times per week in the morning, after you used a face wash and, before you shave. You should only use face scrubs in the morning and not in your night skin care routine.
Step 3: Face toner (daily: morning and night)
The third step in a men’s skincare routine would be the face toner. This product is usually applied on your T-zone. The T-zone is your forehead and nose. These areas are usually oilier, and a face toner helps to absorb excessive oil to prevent clogged pores. So, it is basically another cleansing step in a good skincare routine.
Especially men with oily or blemished skin can benefit by incorporating a face toner in their daily skincare regiment. You apply it in the morning after you cleansed your face with a face wash or a face scrub (depending on if you chose to exfoliate your skin that day). I also recommend adding this product to your night skincare routine.
Step 4: Face mask (weekly: morning)
Just like a face scrub a face mask should not be used every day. It is a product you should occasionally add to your skincare step routine for a healthier skin. About once or twice per week is plenty. It has cleansing and nourishing properties, and that is why it works best on clean skin.
A good moment to apply a face mask could be Sunday mornings. You might have had a busy weekend with activities on Friday and Saturday evening and then your skin could use some love. On Sunday you usually have more time as well to work on a good face care routine.
It is a great moment for yourself to apply and enjoy a face mask knowing that it will improve your skin's complexion and health.
Step 5: Serum/oil or acne treatments (daily: morning and night)
If you want to follow the skincare routine steps correctly it is now time for a skin serum, oil or perhaps, acne treatment products. You apply these products after you applied a toner or when you decided to use a face mask.
A skin serum is usually a product that is rich in antioxidants to protect your skin against free radicals. It contains many vitamins like vitamin C and helps to treat dark sports and skin marks. An oil is similar properties. This is not so much a cleansing step but more a protection and nourishing step.
Do you have acne and do you wish to treat certain spots more specifically then now is the time to do so. There are special products to treat the symptoms of acne to make your skin improve faster and look better.
A serum, oil or acne treatment products should be applied in the morning and at night, so you will find these products in morning and night skincare routines.
Step 6: Eye cream (daily: morning and evening)
In a certain way eye cream is a continuation of the category above with serums and oils. It is meant to treat your skin and especially aging skin. It helps to prevent and treat wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet for younger looking skin. It is formulated to target the more sensitive skin directly under your eyes and at your cheekbones.
Especially in an anti-aging routine an eye cream is indispensable for a good skincare steps routine. You should use this product in the mornings and at night. At night it is especially effective to diminish wrinkles and during the day it will make you look less tired and more energized.
Step 7: Moisturizer (daily: morning and night)
We are getting to the end of a correct skincare steps routine. Together with eye cream a moisturizer is the hydration phase of a good skincare products order. A day cream or night cream are indispensable in any skincare routine. Even if you decide not to use all products, you should never leave a moisturizer out.
It is very important to restore your skin’s moisture balance after all the cleansing and toning of your skin. Exfoliating and washing your face can make your skin dry and a day or night cream prevents that.
A moisturizer is a general term for a hydrating product, so day creams and night creams are just examples of moisturizers. You should use a moisturizer every time you cleanse your skin, so a day cream to end your morning face care routine and a night cream to finish your night skin care routine. You can choose a day cream with SPF and then you are all set for the day.
Step 8: Sunscreen (daily: morning)
If you did not pick a day cream with SPF in step 7 then you might want to apply a sunscreen after when it is a beautiful Spring or Summer Day. If you decide to use sunscreen in your skincare steps routine, it is always the last step. For an effective protection no other product can be applied over your sunscreen.
Sunscreen is an optional step in your skincare products order but a very important one, especially when you live in a very sunny area or a zone with a high UV index.
Of course, you only apply sunscreen in the morning during your face care routine and not before you are going to bed.
Body skin care routine
The skin on your face is not the only part that needs to be cleansed and hydrated. Also, the rest of your body requires a healthy skincare step routine to keep it clean, hydrated, and healthy. Unfortunately, you cannot use the same products for your body and face.
The skin on your face is thinner and more delicate while the skin on the rest of your body is thicker, so using the same products would not lead to the same results. Body skincare steps routines follow similar patterns as the ones for your face. They clean, exfoliate and hydrate, but luckily there are less steps in proper body care.
It is easiest to just jump in the shower in the morning and start doing this body skincare routine, but when you prefer showering at night or exercise a lot and shower twice per day, then that is fine as well.
Step 1: Body wash (daily: morning and/or night)
Wet your skin and soap yourself with a body wash or bar soap. This is your body cleanser and needs to be used every time you shower to start your body care routine with clean skin.
A body wash can be used daily but I strongly advice to always apply a body lotion after for hydration.
Step 2: Body scrub (weekly: morning or night)
Just like your face your body also needs to be exfoliated a few times per week to prevent pimples and impurities on your back and other spots. A body scrub is best to use about two to three times per week in a healthy skincare steps routine.
It is not recommended to use a body scrub twice on one day. It can dry out your skin and make it unnecessarily sensitive.
Step 3: Body lotion/moisturizer (daily: morning and/or night)
When your body is clean then it is time for hydration. When going for good skincare products order you always end with a body lotion when showering or washing your body. It helps to prevent your skin from feeling tight and dry.
A body lotion is a great skincare product to restore the moisture balance and prevent an itchy feeling. Itchiness is usually an indicator of dry or sensitive skin. So, always use a body lotion or body moisturizer on dry patted skin. Especially when you exfoliated or shaved.
Step 4: Hand cream and foot cream (daily: morning and night)
The final step of a body skincare step routine is hand creams and foot creams. In many cases your hands and feet can use some special attention. Your hands are always exposed to the elements and your feet need to support your bodyweight every day.
That can lead to dry or cracked hands and feet. Repair your hands and feet with nourishing and hydrating creams for a proper skincare routine and you are good to start your day!
I can imagine that all this information is a bit mind blowing because a full skincare routine contains many steps with a particular order or products. Not all skincare steps always have to be performed, but they have to happen in the correct order. So, a small recap:
Skincare routine morning order:
Face wash –-> Face Scrub (2-3 per week) –-> face toner –-> face mask (1-2 per week) –-> serum/oil/acne treatment –-> eye cream –-> day cream –-> sunscreen (when the day cream contains no sun protection factor).
Skincare routine night order:
Face Wash –-> Face Toner –-> Face Serum/Oil/Acne Treatment –-> eye cream –-> night cream.
Skincare shaving routine:
Face wash –-> Face scrub (2-3 per week) –-> shaving soap/cream –-> aftershave balm –-> eye cream –-> day cream –-> sunscreen (if day cream has no SPF).
Body care routine:
Body wash –-> body scrub (2-3 per week) –-> body lotion –-> hand cream/foot cream
Your body will look best and be most healthy if you follow these skincare routine steps as a man. You do can experiment a little bit depending on your skin type though.
A sensitive or dry skin does not need a toner every time and when you have oily skin you might not need an after-shave balm AND day cream, but just one of them. You will find out soon enough what fits your skin best!