How to get thicker hair for men?

We all want a full head of thick hair, but unfortunately that is not for everyone. Thick hair is a genetic trait, so you cannot suddenly make your individual hair strands thicker. So, literally making your hair thicker is impossible.
What can you do to make your hair look thicker?
Although it is not possible to escape your genetic given hair thickness, there are steps you can take to make your hair look and feel thicker. Some of these steps are about behaviour and other steps require the correct use of hair care and hair styling products.
Behavioural factors for thicker hair
Let us start by examining the behavioural factors to get thicker hair for men. There are certain things you should do and other things you can better avoid.
Follow a correct diet
Hairs are made of keratin. This is a strong protein that also is one of the key components of your nails. That is why it is important to eat enough healthy proteins to keep your hair thick and strong. Proteins are not just important for muscles, but also for your hair.
A few good examples of healthy protein sources are fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and beans. So, thicker hair starts with a healthy diet and getting the important nutrients. Your hair will not only become thicker, but it also gets healthier and shinier.
Avoid too much heat
Many men like to blow-dry their hair regularly and there is nothing wrong with that. It can actually help to make your hair fuller and thicker, when you use the blow-dryer together with certain hair care of hair styling products.
But you should avoid using the hottest setting of your blow-dryer. Too much heat can damage your hair. And damage hair will not get any thicker of course, so protect your hair while blow-drying if you do not want to lose (more) hair. The same is true for showering in too hot water.
Luckily there are good products you can use while blow-drying to protect your hair against the heat and at the same time make your hair thicker. Later in this blog post I will talk more about those.
Reduce stress
It is easier said than done of course, but it is important not to experience too much stress. For some men hair loss is not actually hereditary, but a symptom of a live full of stress and an unhealthy diet (because of said stress).
So, less stress is important to keep your hair thick as long as possible and at least prevent it from getting any thinner.
Taking good care of your scalp
When you are trying to get thicker hair as a man, you might not necessarily thick about your scalp, but you should. The health of your scalp is a sign of the health of your hair. Your hair obviously grows out of your scalp, so you should not forget about it.
When you are washing your hair, you should prevent scratching your scalp with your nails. It is best to massage your shampoo (and conditioner) in your hair. You can also use the Firsthand Supply Scalp Massager or the By Vilain Shampoo Brush for shampooing. These tools stimulate your scalp and help to improve healthy hair growth. This helps to make your hair appear thicker and fuller. It also helps to diminish to chance of getting any scalp issues.
Avoid too tight hairstyles
A final aspect I would like to talk about is tight hairstyles. It is best to avoid any tight hairstyles when you are aiming for making your hair thicker. A very tight man-bun is not good for your hair and can cause hair loss. The same is when you are wearing a hat or cap too tight. In both cases it pulls on your hair and that is not just uncomfortable, it is also bad for your hair and can result in breakage.
When you want to make your hair thicker and make it look thicker, you should let your hair 'breath' a bit and allow enough hair between the strands. That also helps to create more volume in your hair.
Hair products for thicker hair
And now it is time to talk about the different hair products that you can use to make your hair thicker and fuller. There are multiple categories that I will talk about and each of them have their own properties to thicken your hair.
Thickening shampoos and conditioners
There are many thickening shampoos and conditioners available for men to make their hair thicker. You also have volume shampoos, so these products help to provide more volume in your hair, another technique to make your hair appear thicker.
These products often contain certain proteins to strengthen your hair and they can also contain castor oil, an oil that helps to stimulate the natural hair growth. And you also have shampoos that have DHT blockers to slow hair loss down, so that you can keep your hair thick as long as possible.
Pre-styling sprays
A second category of products that can help to thicken your hair, is pre-styling spray. These products first of all help to protect your hair against the heat of a blow-dryer, but combined with a blow-dryer, they also provide a lot of volume, so your hair appear fuller.
A special category within the pre-styling sprays, are sea salt sprays. These products provide more volume and add more texture to your hair. Your individual hair strands will appear thicker and get more body. That is ideal for men with thin hair that would like a fuller head of hair.
Hair volume powder
A relatively new category in the world of hair styling products for men, is the category of hair volume powders. They are rapidly gaining popularity because of their volumizing properties. Hair powder or styling powder are different names for basically the same kind of products. These powders are applied in dry hair, preferably as close to the roots as possible.
The powder thickens your hair and make it appear fuller. It also adds volume and texture. In some cases, they can also help to fill up tiny balder spots on your head, like near the crown of your head. So, these products are really thickening your hair and make it appear fuller.
That is hair volume powder is also very popular as a pre-styling product. You should only apply them in dry hair.
Hair clay
The final category of hair products I would like to mention, is hair clay. A clay provides a matte finish, and it also adds volume in most cases. It is a very useful product group for men that like to thicken their thinning hair. You do have to be a little bit careful because some hair clays can be heavy or difficult to apply. You do not want to weigh your hair down or pull your hairs. That is why the products mentioned below are all medium hold clays.
But a hair clay is a perfect product to thicken and volumize your hair. It thickens the strands and makes it harder to look through your hair on your scalp. That is because of the matte finish. Shiny products make your hair look thin.
So, when you are really want to do everything you can to make your hair thicker, then you should use a thickening shampoo and conditioner, a pre-styling spray to blow-dry your hair for volume, add a hair volume powder for extra lift and texture, and finish it off with a medium hold hair clay. That would be the very best, but you can also start with one or a few products to see if it already helps to make your hair thicker.
As mentioned in the beginning of this post, you cannot thicken individual hair strands. Your actual hair thickness has been decided for you in your DNA. But your behaviour can definitely help to make your hair thicker and fuller. And it also can help to stop hair loss or slow it down when you stop bad behaviour.
And there are many products available to help you out. In the last 10 years many different products have been developed for men and many of them can be used to make your hair thicker and fuller. You have a lot of choices nowadays, so that is a luxury.
Enjoy your thicker hair, gentlemen!