King Brown Pomade

About King Brown Pomade
King Brown Pomade has been founded in Australia in 2013. After 15 months and numerous brand concepts and 34 samples, their first product was launched: the Original Pomade.
King Brown Pomade
With this very first product they started traveling to the best barber shops in Australia and in the end 48 barber shops started carrying the King Brown Original Pomade.
The first King Brown Pomade was a success, so it was time for more products. They also changed their approach and focused more on international expansion. King Brown Pomade is a modern brand that references the old skool barber traditions.
King Brown Pomade UK and Moquer
King Brown Pomade was added to the Moquer shop late 2017. The interesting mix of modern products with a traditional background were the reason to start selling the King Brown products.
The tins and oil based products make you think of the classic barber shop products, but the other products are more modern. This mix does really fit it well with the Moquer concept, so these Australian pomades belong in the Moquer shop.
King Brown Pomade Products
King Brown Pomade has a few different products. Some are more old skool barber products and oil based, while others are modern and water based. The packaging looks really well and is a reference to the barber products in the past.
The most popular products are the King Brown Matte Pomade and the Original Pomade. That makes sense considering the Original Pomade was their first product and the Matte Pomade fits in with the trend of products with a natural finish without too much shine.
The product line of King Brown Pomade is versatile, because there are products with a light, medium and high hold and also when it comes to shine, there is something to choose.